Providing a variety of services, including: (1) editorial consultation on completed manuscripts, (2) manuscript copyediting, and (3) a 10-week novel-writing bootcamp. Please see below for further information on each. Thanks for your interest.  


For those seeking consultation on a completed manuscript or a work-in-progress, I am available for hire to writers looking for assistance with drafting, revising, or polishing their work at any stage, including novels, novellas, story collections, essays, memoirs, or other. My intent is to help you get to your best work, on the terms you envision, and to see it through to a finished draft. 

Correspondence will include extensive line editing and in-line notes throughout your manuscript draft, as well as more general, 'big picture' feedback via an editorial letter, including consideration of form, structure, voice, and other important components of the work. Ongoing discussion about the manuscript will take place via email during the consultation; phone and Skype meetings may also be arranged.

Where applicable, I can recommend publishers or publications that I might see as a good fit for your work.

COST & AVAILABILITY: My current base rate for consultation is $.041 per word (10,000 words = $410). Please inquire below for a custom quote on your particular project; make sure to include your current word count, as well as a personal assessment of the current direction and needs of your project.


For a $200 flat rate (up to 5000 words), I can provide feedback on a standalone short story or stories, including in-line annotations, line edits, and notes, as well as a editorial letter discussing the story’s aims, outlook, and path to completion. Longer stories can also be accommodated; please inquire.


Basic copyediting of completed manuscripts in preparation for print, including basic feedback and line notes throughout the manuscript. 

My current base rate for copyediting is $.019 per word. I am happy to provide quotes on complete projects using the form below.

3. 10-WEEK NOVEL BOOTCAMP (1-on-1)

GOAL: Writing a draft of a novel doesn’t have to take years; in fact, there are great advantages to composing in a series of short, intense bursts. This 1-on-1 workshop will focus on creating a full first draft of a novel from scratch in ten weeks. Our method will be a synthesis of constraint-based and modular approaches, utilizing instinct, logic, and the unconscious in creating a manuscript that could have been written by no one else, in no other form of time. Our practice will focus on practical methods for creating and navigating a vibrant, uncanny textural space and lay the groundwork for an ongoing practice in the creation of new narrative. The process is available for those with many specific ideas about what they want to write and those who feel the urge but aren’t quite sure yet where the ideas are meant to lead.

CONTENT: In an initial consultation via phone, we will discuss the originating ideas and intent for direction of the project, with an encouragement for emphasis on utilizing improvisation and the unconscious to fulfill the ground-laying ideas. Together we will set a guideline, based on word or page count, to assist in drive the project to completion. I will also provide written instructions for ways of thinking on-the-fly that allow the client to move forward from point-of-origin, and along the way avoid pitfalls such as dead-ends, blockage, or other problems that traditionally stall out the production of a work.

Following our consultation, each week the client will send over the work they’ve produced on the manuscript-in-progress, along with a status note tracking their vision’s ongoing progress that may include thoughts, questions, inspirations, running threads in the work, frustrations, or other tracking queries that arise. I will provide problem-solving planning strategies and stimulus of direction where needed, in the form of in-line and large-scale feedback, as well as media that might help shape the project’s tone or flow. Feedback will be about propulsion rather than in-line revision.

Across the ten weeks, emphasis will be placed on the completion of a first draft. Each client will also exit with practical goals and methods for continued expansion and revision of the work in subsequent drafts, with opportunities to extend individual consultation as needed toward publication-ready material.

AVAILABILITY: Clients may already have a general structure in mind for their project, or they may come to the table with only a single sentence or image from which the text will be generated—it is the will to capture the essence of one’s mind in a rapid, unconscious-driven method that will ultimately predict the shape of the project as it builds.

Because the client needs to be able to write regularly throughout the continuous 10-week program, scheduling will be projected individually upon query. Openings will be filled at the beginning of each month.

COST: $1200.